Native Scheduling vs. Using a Tool: Which is Better for Your Business?

If you’re managing social media for a business, you know how crucial it is to keep your content organized and consistently engaging. One big part of that is scheduling. Whether it's for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, having a solid scheduling system is key.

Today, let's chat about two ways to handle your social media scheduling: doing it natively (right within the platform you're using) or using a dedicated social media scheduling tool. Both have their pros and cons, so let's break it down and see which might be best for you.

Native Scheduling

Native scheduling means using the built-in scheduling features provided by the social media platform itself. For example, scheduling a post directly on LinkedIn using LinkedIn’s native scheduling tool.


  1. No Extra Cost: Most platforms offer scheduling features for free, so there’s no need to spend extra on third-party tools.

  2. Integration: Since you’re using the platform’s own tools, integration is seamless. Everything is in one place, making it easier to manage.

  3. Simplicity: Native tools are usually straightforward, with no need to learn a new system.


  1. Limited Features: Native scheduling tools can be pretty basic. They might not offer advanced features like analytics, editing, or automation.

  2. Platform-Specific: You can only schedule within that platform. If you’re managing multiple social media accounts, this can get cumbersome.

  3. Less Flexibility: Customization options are often limited, which can be a drawback if you need more control over your scheduling.

Using a Dedicated Social Media Scheduling Tool

Dedicated scheduling tools, like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Sprout Social, are designed specifically to handle social media scheduling tasks. They often come with a range of features that go beyond what native tools offer.


  1. Advanced Features: These tools offer robust features like analytics, multi-platform management, bulk scheduling, and automation.

  2. Time-Saving: By handling all your scheduling in one place, you save time and reduce the hassle of switching between different platforms.

  3. Customization: Dedicated tools often provide more flexibility and customization options to fit your specific needs.


  1. Cost: Most of these tools come with a price tag. While some offer free versions, the best features are usually behind a paywall.

  2. Learning Curve: Getting the hang of a new tool can take time. There’s usually a bit of a learning curve involved.

  3. Integration Issues: Sometimes, integrating a third-party tool with your existing systems can be tricky and require additional setup.

Important Sidenote: LinkedIn’s specific safety features does not allow you to tag individuals outside of the platform. This can be a barrier to using scheduling to the fullest extent. You might need to use a mix of scheduling and native if your content frequently requires tagging individual company champions.

Which Should You Choose?

The choice between native scheduling and using a dedicated tool really depends on your specific needs and resources. If you're a small business or just starting out, native scheduling might be sufficient since it's free and easy to use. However, if you're managing multiple social media platforms, need advanced features, or are looking to save time, investing in a dedicated social media scheduling tool could be worth it. Dedicated tools offer robust features like analytics, multi-platform management, bulk scheduling, and automation, which can significantly enhance your scheduling process. While they come with a cost and a bit of a learning curve, the benefits they offer can make a big difference in efficiency and effectiveness. Ultimately, it's all about finding what works best for you and your business. Take some time to assess your needs, try out different options, and see what fits best.

Effective social media scheduling doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether you choose native scheduling or a dedicated tool, the key is to stay organized and consistent with your content. At D08 Digital, we’re here to help you navigate these choices and find the best strategies for your business.

Got questions or need more advice? Drop us a line! We’re here to help you make the best choice for your social media scheduling needs.


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